Registration / Volunteer / Payments


Walk in Recreation
Registration Fom

Financial Aid Form



SCYSA Volunteer disclosure


Welcome to the registration/volunteer page.

LCSC has created this online registration process in order to better serve the Lexington soccer community. Please read each section carefully to make sure that you are registering for the correct program. Note that in order to accept a position on an academy, classic, challenge or premier team you must have been previously selected for the team and notified by the coach or team manager.

Please remember that if you are a new player, playing for Lexington County Soccer Club for the first time at any level, you must mail a copy of your Birth Certificate to: Registrar, Lexington County Soccer Club; PO Box 543; Lexington, SC 29071.

Please click the appropriate link on the left pane, in order to proceed

REGISTRATION – Use this link if you wish to register a new or returning player; if you wish to change previously entered information or if you are an Academy, Classic, Challenge or Premier player wanting to make an installment payment of club fees. Also use this section if you are the parent of a player and wish to volunteer your time to assist the club in some capacity

VOLUNTEER – If you would like to volunteer ANDyou do not have children playing in the club please use the Volunteer link on the left. In the REQUEST entry box,  please advise if you are volunteering for Recreation or Classic side of the Club

Walk-in Registration – If you would like egister with the club during one of our walk-in dates you will need to fill out the form on the left

Medical Release – ll classic players need to fill out and supply to the club the SCYSA medical release form before particpating in SCYSA games

Please note that Adobe Reader is required to view some of the forms. You may download the reader from this link – (click here)